Like so many of you, we are crushed over the shootings in Uvalde. Our babies! BABIES! It is difficult to imagine that loss. At the beginning of this episode, we talked about summer plans with our kids and laughed together as we often do. There are too many families who will struggle to do that. We are sick of this.

This episode is a "state of the union" style episode, where we process what we see and how it's impacting us and what we can do about it.

It is good to remember that we are not helpless and we are not hopeless. We need to hold ourselves and others accountable to voice our concerns to legislators and to organizations that are causing hurt and harm to communities. It's not too late to make phone calls.

Find your local, state, and federal legislators here: Remember that the vast majority of people in government positions actually want to help others.

If your heart is heavy over the SBC report, or another issue we didn't mention, consider writing a letter to express your concern or setting up a meeting with someone who has the power to make change.

We love a good rant (you know this) but we can't stop at rants. We need to take action. We're proud of you listeners and we love you. Thank you for making change where you are. You're powerful and we're rooting for you!

For another resource on better understanding gun violence in America, read this book by gun violence survivor Taylor Schumann: