You know what sucks Why Tho Fam? Racism. It sucks because it is a lie from the pit of hell that says one race is superior over another, that the color of a person's skin determines their lot in life. But wait! We've had a black president! Racism doesn't exist! Slavery was 400 years ago! None of this is biblical! Stop being political!

We've heard all this and more, but you know what we've learned (and you too, if you're watching the news, or have any friends who don't look like you), the truth is this: Racism is alive and well. Injustice is alive and well, but we serve a wonderful Savior who is in the business of making every wrong thing right. He is close to the brokenhearted and scripture tells it like it is. Justice is not a trend, it is the heart of the Father.

You're going to love this episode. You might get offended, you might shout "SAY THAT," but more than both of those things, we pray you will open your ears, open your heart, and learn with us how to be a person who doesn't reduce justice to the latest tragedy or hashtag. Let's live with compassion, dealing with our own prejudices and racist tendencies, and cultivate the kind of community Jesus would be proud of.

For continued learning consider reading: Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson, The Color of Compromise by Jemar Tisby, or The Very Good Gospel by Lisa Sharon Harper.

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