The story of the rich young ruler sits with us this week as we consider the current state of our nation. What does it mean to be a person who listens to Jesus, to his instruction on what we need to give up in order to be made whole? What does it mean to listen to our brothers and sisters seeking to end injustice?

And most importantly, WHAT DO WE DO NEXT? Your sphere of influence is not too small to make a difference. Every small step toward ending injustice is an important one, so take it, even if you are afraid, do it, say it. Through prayer, a scripture and an important conversation, we're here to journey with you during this difficult time. Sending you our love, and always, we are people of hope, filled with compassion, believing God for freedom.

Here's the resources we linked to today:
Luke 18:18-30

Psalm 23; Boston Globe Article:

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