More time at the crib means more opportunities to evaluate why we do what we do, and why we have what we have. Listen, do you ever just look around at your house, or a closet, or the TRUNK OF YOUR CAR, and think to yourself WHY THO? Who did this to me? What are all these things? Why do we have them? And you know what we've realized? The same is true for our souls - our minds, hearts and bodies. Why do we keep carrying things that are, at worst, harming us, and at best, just aren't helping us? We let the voices and words of people from our past tell us who we are. We question our place in the world, compare ourselves to others, and resign ourselves to a less-than life. Spiritually, we can carry fear, insecurity, unbelief, and it hinders our capacity to trust and believe that God is good, and not just that, but that he is also good to us. Personally. Not just to other people. Friend, let us go with you this week, into the deep, and ponder what we need to put down, so we can pick up the things that will best serve our souls.

We love you dear listener - blessing you daily as we endure this pandemic together!

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