Today we remember the life and legacy of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She is the reason we can sign checks at the bank without our husbands, why it is illegal to discriminate against pregnant women, why male caretakers can now receive the same benefits as women. Many rights we take for granted came from Ruth’s blood, sweat and tears, with over 300 court cases prior to being a justice for almost 30 years. Even in areas we might differ politically, we can share gratitude and show honor for RBG’s service to our country. We offer our favorite takeaways from her life and leadership, and what we hope for ourselves in light of her life well lived.

As always, it is a joy to spend some time with you! Remember we have our birthday party coming up and we’d love for you to attend! Here’s the link to register, so we can see you face to face:

Liturgies For Parents IG mentioned in show: