This episode title might make your defenses go up. So, on the front end, are we saying that if it’s good for everyone, then it’s good for me? Well, if you mean that everything should be equal for every person, then no, because that would not be good for every person. But, we absolutely think that things could be more equitable for individuals, if we also focus on the collective community.

We champion the right of every man, woman and child to exercise agency, to make decisions to move forward in life, and we do not think that has to happen at the expense of the greater good. How can we grow in the character of Christ that asks, this is good for me, but is it good for everyone? If we had a room of 100 people, and 90 of them were sick, hungry and thirsty, but 10 were living their best life, would it be okay to make a case for the 10 and their good life, at expense of 90? Nope, we would acknowledge that something is broken, that we need to grieve this pain, and that all 100 will need to change, to grow, and that will likely mean that the 10 will need to sacrifice.

But that’s what a healthy community does, because it is made up of individuals who are willing to be selfless and generous so that the whole can flourish alongside each individual.

What do you need to give up? How do you need to be filled? Let’s keep growing together in community, as we continue to live our lives.