Big News this week on Why Tho: This is one of our final episodes. Four years of weekly conversations between two dear friends about everything under the sun - we are so proud of this work and thankful to be in your eardrum every Thursday. Why Tho will remain available until Jesus comes back so you can access it anytime. So, we’re going out in our usual style, starting with Roast or Toast. From shows to books to therapists, here’s what we want to roast and what we want to toast.

If Why Tho has been a blessing in your life, BUY OUR BOOKS! You didn’t listen to a single ad or deal with any bull crap from us, so as a thank you, order Ashley and Tiffany’s latest books. This goes a very long way in making sure they write another one in the future:

Prey Tell by Tiffany Bluhm:

Love Is the Resistance by Ashley Abercrombie:

Rise of the Truth Teller by Ashley Abercrombie: