Why are we so afraid to fail? SOME REALLY GOOD REASONS. Maybe you were raised in a home where mistakes were not allowed, or you had a boss who threatened to fire you for the smallest things. Maybe you've experienced loss of relationship or reputation because of a personal failure.

We know what we stand to lose. That's why we're afraid to fail. But here's what we've learned: Failure is part of being human. There's no way around it. Failure can be a gift and failure can lead to growth. We need to normalize mistakes, setbacks, and failures. Because nobody's perfect.

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Prey Tell: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CJ6WDP1

Love Is the Resistance: https://www.amazon.com/Love-Resistance-Disagree-Conflicts-Avoiding-ebook/dp/B08MXZW8BG