The world of career services, recruiting and personal branding is a tricky one. No one knows that better than Mark Babbitt, CEO of YouTern. His journey to the role of CEO hasn't been an easy one and it's a story worth hearing.
We also debate the stigma around the term "personal branding".

Get to know Mark as he shares the origins of YouTern, great tips for building your personal brand and talks about the power of authenticity. 

There's more!
Listeners will have an opportunity to win a copy of his and Ted Coine's book "A World Gone Social". How? Simple - listen to the podcast and you'll find out! Also, I make an announcement about an additional Why I Social project coming to a (video) channel near you! As always, share YOUR thoughts on the latest episode using #WhyISocial. 

Note: Contest winner will be selected 7 days after the release of the podcast.