Russell Klimas, Founder of Light & Lense Photography and a leader in the light painting community, joins the podcast. We begin by diving into the technical aspects of light painting, along with how he has selflessly pursued it, but then we dive into a topic that makes us all pause - cancer. Russ is a cancer survivor, and he shows tremendous faith and courage in our discussion that peeled back the layers of how it affected him. From the obvious physical toll, to the emotional and spiritual challenges it presented, Russ entered and exited his cancer treatment with an indescribable sense of gratitude and positivity. Take a dose of whatever this man is having, because the life he brings to everyone around him is contagious.

Connect with Russ:

- on Instagram: @lightnlense @russellklimasphoto

- on Facebook: Light & Lense


The Young Americans:

YouTube: Referenced "Happy" Dance Video

YouTube: Referenced Tedx Talk

YouTube: Referenced Jubilee Video - "Do All Cancer Survivors Think The Same?"

All music for this episode has been provided by Midnite Jones.
