Don't let knee pain slow you down.  Understand the anatomy of the knee, the difference between acute and chronic knee pain, when to seek medical attention, and how knee pain and injuries are managed and treated.   Dr. Albertson highlights what you need to know to stay active and keep moving.

0:50  Introduction to knee pain.

2:59  Quick overview of knee anatomy.

8:25  Acute injuries overview.

10:29  Chronic injuries overview.

11:51  An X-ray is a good and relatively inexpensive way to quickly get an idea of what may be causing pain.

14:13   What to do if you suffer an acute injury, and when you should see your doctor.

20:32   Acetaminophen vs ibuprofen after an acute injury.

22:52   When to get evaluated for chronic knee pain.  What are some of the causes of chronic knee pain. 

25:04   Common treatments. RICE, steroid injections, physical therapy, braces, etc. 

28:08   When surgery is the answer.  Some ligament and tendon tears require surgery to get back to proper function.

30:18  What's the difference between a sprain and a strain?

31:05  Surgery is the last resort for knee pain, and most knee injuries don't require surgery.