Almost everybody suffers from back pain at one time or another.  It can be minor or severe, and can come on suddenly or over time.  Dr. Naomi "Ni" Albertson explains the anatomy of the spine, common causes of back pain and back injuries, diagnosis and common treatments, and the key things you can do to help prevent back pain.


1:38  Spinal anatomy 101.  There's a lot going on back there that can cause pain! 

5:30  Your spine is a series of connected moving joints, and injuries on one end can cause symptoms in other areas.

7:21  Common sources of age-related back pain: arthritis, abnormal bone growth, nerve impingement. 

9:00  Acute spinal injuries like disc injuries are common from lifting, bending, twisting and pulling.

9:37  Spinal curvature can sometimes cause pain.

10:27  If you have a history of cancer, be extra vigilant about back pain. 

10:54  Vascular disease, gall bladder disease, and pancreatic disease can all present with back pain.

11:41  Common back muscle strains feel better with heat, and should generally quiet down within a few days to weeks.  Back sprains (ligament injuries) take longer to heal, usually within three to six weeks, but sometimes longer.   

13:32  When to see a doctor for ongoing back pain.

14:05  What causes back spasms?

16:05  How are more severe back injuries diagnosed?

18:07  Treatments for common causes of back pain.

21:59  Things you can do to help prevent back pain and injuries: exercise, nutrition, body weight.