Monarchies have reigned throughout the world since time immemorial, but the most popular and most illustrious has been the British Royal Family.

Whether that popularity is because of the advent of media and television, or the fact that information now travels at the speed of light across the globe, none can dispute that the British royal family has had it’s ups and downs.

From furthering the slave trade to colonialism, from Princess Diana to her children, Harry and William, a great deal can be said about some of the good they do, but the death of Queen Elizabeth II has raised many questions of late, most importantly, what role does the British royal family have in this day and age?

Are they just a set decoration for the U.K., or is there a role they can play in making a difference in the world?

Join our panel, on Saturday, 4:00 pm (EST), 1:00 pm (PST), 9:00 pm (GMT), as they discuss topical news items of importance from a blind perspective.

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