Episode Description: 

Have you ever decided that you wanted to make this big health change and go all in on how to get there? It starts with this idea which leads to endless hours of research because you want to make sure you  have all of the correct information so you can succeed and do it ‘“perfectly”.  You start reading about what you  need to do and researching the products that will help you get there like an apple watch, piece of exercise equipment, an app that will support you, or even the best foods to consume. All of a sudden you  end up down this rabbit hole of all things health and fitness. What started out as trying to find a simple plan has now led to hours and hours of research with limited to NO action being taken to get to the goal. You  got distracted by the mental noise in your head and  didn’t take any ACTION to get closer to what you wanted to achieve in the first place. 

On today's podcast we explore the idea of focusing more on the behavior than the mental noise swirling around that prevents us from getting to where we want, why we get distracted, and helpful strategies that can actually make us take action instead of getting distracted by the endless knowledge that seems to be abundance, especially when we are trying something new. Sound like you?

Come listen here. 



 Five simple things you can do today to keep yourself healthy for tomorrow? As we age, our health and well-being become a bigger focus in our life. You may be worried that it's too late. But there is still hope!!! Discover the health changes you can make today to preserve your health for tomorrow. 


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Keywords:  motivate, self-care, tips, taking care of yourself