One of the most common challenges I hear from women is eating when they are not sure if they are actually hungry. Sometimes it can be a true physical hunger but much of the time the eating can be disguised as an outlet for something else. You may be triggered by an emotion such as boredom, stress, or discomfort that you are trying to escape or perhaps an environment that makes you feel uncomfortable. Eating out of habit - may happen at night - as it is often the time of day that we are able to disconnect from our day and finally get the time to exhale or hang out with our loved ones. 

How do you know if you are eating out of habit or hunger?
If you are eating out of habit, you likely want a very specific kind of food. Only sweet or salty food will help the craving subside. An apple will not do!

If you are eating because of true hunger, you are experiencing symptoms of hunger and only eating will help that feeling subside. 

It’s important to differentiate the reason WHY you are eating - so that you can come up with solutions that work for you – so that you can achieve the health goals you desire and maintain them for the long-term. 

What are some useful solutions?

If you are eating out of habit - look at what emotions or triggers that are happening during your day.

Are you stressed, bored, uncomfortable or tired? 
Do you just want to get comfortable and kick your feet up after a long day?
Are you hanging out with your loved one after the kids are finally in bed?

It’s important to know the trigger so that you can interrupt the behavior.

if you are eating out of true physical hunger - Eat!!! But it’s also helpful to look at other factors too like:

The composition of your meals
Exercising too much

Listen to more solutions in today’s podcast episode. 


I also created a tip sheet for this episode. Grab it below.

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 Five simple things you can do today to keep yourself healthy for tomorrow? As we age, our health and well-being become a bigger focus in our life. You may be worried that it's too late. But there is still hope!!! Discover the health changes you can make today to preserve your health for tomorrow. 

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Keywords:  motivate, self-care, tips, taking care of yourself