Do you want your WILDER dreams of success to be realized?

Then listen to my interview with Coach and Leader Doug Wilder.

Doug coaches extraordinary business owners and honest attorneys who want wild success with less stress. He also turns valuable geniuses who have become difficult to work with, into productive, profitable workers

In this Podcast of “Make More Money By Giving Better Presentations”, Doug shares how he transitioned from a financial planner to an executive coach, focusing on helping his clients to become more successful.

As president and founder of WILDER BUSINESS SUCCESS, Doug’s purpose is to help great people find and live their purpose, and inspire them to unlock their full potential. (That includes YOU.)

Here are some of the important messages that Doug shared with us:

How does Doug ADD VALUE?
•He tailors his coaching programs specifically for his clients
•He makes himself available to his clients, even after scheduled appointments.
•He introduces his clients to other business contacts

•He does research about the client, including talking with others who know the client, so that Doug can know him/her better
•He asks probing questions to get his clients to have a different perspective and discover their own answers.
•He encourages his clients to set goals, and remain responsible and accountable for achieving those goals.

How does Doug MAKE MORE MONEY?
•He is an active member of local organizations, including Chambers of Commerce (and a women’s business organization).
•He started out with two NARROW niche target markets (“honest” attorneys, and women-owned businesses)
•He creates coaching “packages”, often six-months in term or more, that are structured to help his client achieve the results desired (“Wilder Success”!)

Doug is ready to help you. Visit his website,

I want to help you to give better presentations. I want to help you make more money by giving better presentations.