You are probably thinking the answer is middle-aged or older adults, in our 40s, of 50s or better.

Sadly, more and more millennials (20s to mid-30s) are becoming caregivers every day. Actually, up to 25% of caregivers in the U.S. are millennials, caring for their aging parents. That is 30 years earlier than you expected!

In this podcast of TOULA’S TIPS FOR CAREGIVERS, Adrienne Glussman shares her caregiving story with us. Adrienne became a caregiver for her mother at the age of 29, and, ten years later, is still caregiving for her mother while trying to manage her own career.

The challenges of being a millennial caregiver are unique as this role comes unexpectedly at a time in their lives when they may be in college, just starting their careers, getting married or planning a family. Adrienne and I discuss these challenges and list ways others can support them.

Is being a millennial caregiver different than for older caregivers? Tune in to the podcast to find out.

This important subset of caregivers needs more attention from social organizations who support caregivers. Listen to this bright young lady tell her story, and think about ways we can support millennial caregivers.

Connect with Adrienne on social media @JourneyCaregivers