What is the most important characteristic of a good leader?

My guest on this podcast of MAKE MORE MONEY BY GIVING BETTER PRESENTATIONS says Listening is first. Active listening helps you to understand what your audience needs. As she says, “Know Your Audience” so that you can “Add Value.”

Trina Martin is a motivational speaker and leadership development consultant (and a Naval Officer with 30 years of service) who helps military veterans to advance careers, and helps their corporate employers to grow their businesses.

Trina explains that, for military veterans transitioning into the civilian corporate world, communications is everything for success. Each corporation, each division may be different. Veteran leaders must know who they are dealing with and how to get them to produce or take action.

In this podcast, Trina says that her first task with her veteran clients is to help them to understand who they are, so that they can be confident, happy in themselves.

Some of the important advice that Trina shares in this podcast includes:

How can you ADD VALUE?
•Share a little about yourself, your mistakes to build relationships
•Leadership involves patience and resilience
•You are an informational speaker, so that your audience can make a better decision

•Know your audience; actively engage with them for better listening
•Share your mistakes; the audience can relate and connect
•Listen to your audience; understand their needs

How can you MAKE MORE MONEY?
•Learning your audience (or organization) is like learning to dance with a new partner
•Learn: Take classes to improve your communications skills
•Know your organization. Understand their needs. Find your spot

In Trina’s new book, From a Mess to Amazing: 7 Steps to Create the Life You Deserve, she shares her own personal stories of struggle, and the lessons she learned along the way to becoming a Lt. Commander in the Navy, and a successful author, speaker and coach. (available on Amazon).

I want to help you to give better presentations. I want to help you make more money by giving better presentations.


Fred Haley
[email protected]

Fred Haley is a certified Coach, Teacher and Speaker for the John Maxwell Program, and owner of ToastMentor, a communications training firm. He conducts public workshops and mentors business professionals to improve their presentations. Fred has published several books on public speaking. Follow Fred on Twitter @ToastMentor. Learn more on his website, ToastMentor.com.