In this episode, I share the mice with Kristine Scott, a conflict management expert with a national reputation as a top trainer and an international presence as a speaker. Kristine's heartfelt mission is to help others sidestep the pitfalls she encountered early on by teaching them how to be their best selves in difficult situations. Her personable, approachable style has made Kristine a trusted resource for those looking to enhance their conflict resolution abilities.

In this episode, Kristine shares how you can:

Unravel the enigma of how our bodies handle conflict and acquire stress regulation strategies.
Fine-tune your expertise in multiple styles of conflict management, effectively resolving disputes.
Radically shift your thinking about conflicts, seeing them as springboards for development and synergy.
Appreciate the significance of honesty, collaboration, and self-love in creating a thriving workplace.
Adopt an empathic and compassionate approach, excelling at handling difficult discussions.

Ready to improve the way you handle conflict?

Email Kristine ([email protected]) and mention her episode of Who The F*ck? to receive a discount on her recently launched conflict resolution course!

Learn more about the services Kristine offers at

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