Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast artwork

Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast

472 episodes - English - Latest episode: 10 days ago - ★★★★★ - 45 ratings

There are hundreds of Doctor Who episodes and stories out there and we intend to watch them all! Not just that – We’ll watch, review, discuss, debate, rate and praise and/or poke holes in every episode of Doctor Who, starting with the 1963 pilot. That’s right; we’re beginning with William Hartnell and then working our way forward through time, episode by episode and Doctor by Doctor. In parallel, we’re also reviewing New Who, starting with Eccleston in the 2005 revival. At the time of writing this, we’re already well into the Tom Baker and Peter Capaldi eras! From comparing Dalek and Cybermen military strategems to ranking companions by hairstyle, we’ve got it covered.

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N059 The End of Time, Part 1

July 23, 2017 12:16 - 54 minutes - 12.8 MB

The Master returns with a ridiculous plot to end life on Earth as we know it, and even Barack Obama shakes his head at this one.

C059 The Daemons

July 16, 2017 17:59 - 1 hour - 16.7 MB

The Master summons homicidal Morris Dancers, a Daemon and a gargoyle with a spring in his step to grant him godlike powers, and obviously everything goes wrong.

B035 Fourth Anniversary Blooper Reel

July 04, 2017 18:38 - 22 minutes - 5.4 MB

Who Back When just turned Four Standard-Earth-Years Young!

N058 The Waters of Mars

June 25, 2017 08:41 - 1 hour - 18.7 MB

Grown men wet themselves as the Doctor summons the Time Lord Victorious and introduces the concept of fixed points in time

C058 Colony in Space

June 18, 2017 08:17 - 58 minutes - 13.8 MB

It's Space Pocahontas, but with lubed-up wrists, tear-away paper calendars and mud wrestling!

B034 Introducing Marie

June 11, 2017 06:52 - 27 minutes - 6.59 MB

Marie recently joined Who Back When, and we herewith finally sit down to introduce her to you, Podcastland!

N057 Planet of the Dead

June 11, 2017 06:51 - 1 hour - 17.9 MB

Kleptomaniacs, coprophages and a scientist fanboy battle a civilisation-devouring sharknado from outer space

C057 The Claws of Axos

June 04, 2017 07:41 - 49 minutes - 11.7 MB

Golden-haired, miracle-bearing cherubs descend from the heavens and no one suspects that they might have a hidden agenda.

N056 The Next Doctor

May 28, 2017 08:06 - 1 hour - 18.5 MB

A steampunk cyber giant, a TARDIS balloon and a terrible ending

C056 The Mind of Evil

May 21, 2017 17:53 - 59 minutes - 13.9 MB

Psychiatric treatment of criminals using an alien in a bucket? It's got to be The Master!

N055 Journey’s End

May 07, 2017 14:09 - 1 hour - 21.1 MB

The Doctor abandons Rose with a genocidal Donna in Tennant-form and there's no sign of The Shadow Proclamation anywhere!

N054 The Stolen Earth

April 30, 2017 12:36 - 1 hour - 18.3 MB

Companions and spin-offs collide when Davros and his new race of Daleks transport the Earth far across the universe

B033 OxCon II — The Oxford Comic Con 2017

April 23, 2017 16:45 - 23 minutes - 5.8 MB

We attended the second ever Oxford Comic Con, which alongside myriad cosplayers, gamers, comic book artists and nerds galore hosted The Sixth Doctor himself, Colin Baker!

C055 Terror of the Autons

April 23, 2017 16:26 - 56 minutes - 13.2 MB

Killer daffodils, a carnivorous armchair and the debut of The Master.

N053 Turn Left

April 16, 2017 11:22 - 1 hour - 16.8 MB

A Beetle Backpack, the Death of the Doctor and the Return of Rose. Could this be any more epic?!

C054 Inferno

April 09, 2017 15:13 - 1 hour - 14.7 MB

Disco Werewolves, Venusian Karate and yet another Drill-to-The-Centre-of-the-Earth spiel.

B032 Class – The Doctor Who Spin-off

April 02, 2017 17:25 - 17.1 MB

It's a Whovian "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" with bits of "Captain Planet" and tentacle porn. We review the Doctor Who spin-off, CLASS.

N052 Midnight

March 19, 2017 10:09 - 1 hour - 35 MB

A tense, psychological thriller and some terrifically high-concept sci-fi, this is RTD's Reservoir Dogs in space

C053 The Ambassadors of Death

March 12, 2017 18:03 - 1 hour - 29.7 MB

More astronaut-cosplaying aliens, palpably inappropriate music, and foreign conspirators from foreign countries

N051 Forest of the Dead

March 05, 2017 10:39 - 1 hour - 39.5 MB

The Runaway Bride finally gets herself a husband and takes care of cookie-cutter kids in Star Trek Generation's "Nexus".

N050 Silence in the Library

February 26, 2017 10:05 - 1 hour - 28.5 MB

A tonne of foreshadowing and a very common courtesy unit, plus the very first appearance of Professor River Song (on our timeline)

C052 Doctor Who and The Silurians

February 19, 2017 12:19 - 52 minutes - 24.2 MB

U.N.I.T. can't decide whether to battle Global Warming, a flesh-eating virus, nuclear holocaust, dinosaurs or planet-usurping man-geckos.

N049 The Unicorn and The Wasp

February 12, 2017 10:28 - 1 hour - 30.1 MB

The Doctor and Donna crash a party with Agatha Christie, the full cast of Cluedo, a giant wasp and no unicorn

C051 Spearhead from Space

February 05, 2017 12:57 - 59 minutes - 27.3 MB

We get space quaffles, the mannequin challenge and some good old-fashioned tentacle porn in Pertwee's first go as The Third Doctor

B031 Breaking News: Capaldi Leaving Doctor Who

February 01, 2017 20:46 - 6.49 MB

We speculate on the reasons for Peter Capaldi’s departure from Doctor Who in 2017, and pick some of our favourite candidates for the role of The Thirteenth Doctor.

N048 The Doctor’s Daughter

January 29, 2017 11:19 - 58 minutes - 13.6 MB

The Tenth Doctor mothers the short-lived fruit of his loins following his arm being raped by newborn soldiers fighting fish people without a backstory.

B030 The Patrick Troughton Retrospective

January 22, 2017 14:01 - 52 minutes - 12.4 MB

Having seen (or heard) all of Patrick Troughton's Doctor Who serials, we sat down for the traditional PostDoc rankings and ramblings.

N047 The Poison Sky

January 15, 2017 13:43 - 1 hour - 16.3 MB

It's The Clone Wars but with a baked potato planet and a nuclear weapons Tinder app.

C050 The War Games

January 08, 2017 17:55 - 1 hour - 15.4 MB

The Second Doctor and his companions Interrail through some of humanity’s greatest conflicts in Patrick Troughton's final serial.

B029 The Return of Doctor Mysterio – The 2016 Christmas Special 

January 04, 2017 21:17 - 45 minutes - 10.7 MB

Brains in jars, a squeaky interrogation toy and the DC and Marvel Universes collide in this Doctor Who Christmas Special

B028 The 2016 Xmas Blooper Reel

December 27, 2016 10:33 - 14 minutes - 3.53 MB

As per tradition, ecce the Who Back When Xmas Bloopers!

N046 The Sontaran Strategem

December 18, 2016 11:42 - 1 hour - 17.4 MB

A maniacal not-quite-Zuckerberg-or-Hugo-Drax-clone creates killer TomToms and hotboxes the elderly

C049 The Space Pirates

December 12, 2016 00:15 - 53 minutes - 12.5 MB

The Doctor is aided by a space yokel from the Wild West while a pirate in a medieval spacesuit and a lady in a metal wig try to trap him

N045 Planet of the Ood

December 04, 2016 19:40 - 1 hour - 15.9 MB

Slavery, Overacting and some Seriously Good Writing in this Cerebral New Who Episode

C048 The Seeds of Death

November 20, 2016 12:44 - 58 minutes - 13.7 MB

Another alien invasion, killer foam, moon base, homing beacon, elderly professor, space museum and aristocrat representing the UN. Basically, it’s great.

N044 The Fires of Pompeii

November 13, 2016 23:06 - 52 minutes - 12.3 MB

It’s Volcano Day in Pompeii and Peter Capaldi appears as the pater familias of the Cambridge Latin course while Karen Gillan worships freaking lava monsters!!

C047 The Krotons

November 06, 2016 20:38 - 47 minutes - 11.3 MB

A society comprising myriad chaps with matching axes and one single woman faces off against homicidal moka pots who secretly attempt to mate with their brain waves

N043 Partners in Crime

October 30, 2016 22:53 - 1 hour - 16.8 MB

Donna’s years of waiting for her favourite genocidal maniac finally come to an end, and half of us rejoice.

C046 The Invasion

October 23, 2016 20:10 - 58 minutes - 13.8 MB

Raunchy photoshoots, the return of UNIT and a Cyberman plan as epic as it is absurd

B027 Doctor Who Comic Book Reviews #2

October 16, 2016 17:28 - 50 minutes - 11.9 MB

A little further along the fourth dimension, we return to Doctor Who as presented in TWO dimensions.

N042 Voyage of the Damned

October 09, 2016 23:21 - 1 hour - 20.8 MB

Angelic Oddjobs, Kylie and handicap shaming. It must be Christmas!

C045 The Mind Robber

October 02, 2016 22:29 - 1 hour - 14.4 MB

A less racist, more trippy take on The Toymaker and ultimately a literal write-off

B026 The WBW Mailbag

September 25, 2016 18:15 - 1 hour - 20.9 MB

We rifle through our sacks and come up smiling

N041 Last of the Time Lords

September 18, 2016 19:34 - 1 hour - 19.6 MB

Super Jesus vs. The Second-Last of the Time Lords

N040 The Sound of Drums

September 11, 2016 00:01 - 1 hour - 15.5 MB

The Master shows the world his balls

N039 Utopia

August 28, 2016 14:58 - 1 hour - 14.4 MB

The episode that introduces The Master we deserved, desired and in the end were denied (oops, spoilers)

N038 Blink

August 22, 2016 22:18 - 1 hour - 24.6 MB

We bring out the big guns for our 100th canonical Doctor Who review to talk about an episode that needs no introduction.

C044 The Dominators

August 14, 2016 20:03 - 1 hour - 17.8 MB

It's Dresses vs Shoulder Pads in this (possibly) entertaining clash of the dress codes.

A018 The Scapegoat

August 07, 2016 13:12 - 55 minutes - 13.1 MB

It's ‘Allo ‘Allo! meets that creepy theatre in Interview with a Vampire. But with goat dudes.

N037 The Family of Blood

July 31, 2016 15:49 - 1 hour - 17.7 MB

An inconsistent fob watch, nonsensical straw men, and some of the best acting on Doctor Who


A Christmas Carol
1 Episode
Partners in Crime
1 Episode
The Eleventh Hour
1 Episode