H-U-N-T-N-B-U-D-D-Y-A-P-P, huntnbuddyapp.com.

Bruce: Here we go. All right, so it’s a free hunting app in the App Store and Google Play, right? Tell us about it. Tell us…you know, just tell us about it.

Joe: Yeah, so it’s 100% free. We did this on purpose, as well. There’s…we’d like to keep all the features that we offer for everybody to use, everybody to test, everybody to try out. There’s no trial period, there’s no monthly subscription. The app itself is free. We do offer a subscription, yearly subscription, for $29.99 that’s for parcel data. But there is…on the free version you get eight parcel selections per month. Pretty much its main feature is it does mapping, you can post waypoints, you can look up parcel selections, parcel data. There’s trail camera settings, you can take pictures off of your trail cameras and implement them into your phone, drop them on a waypoint. So that will be stored. If you have a trophy buck that you take down and you want to take a picture of it and remember the exact location where it is, you can take that, as well, log it into the app.

One key feature with the mapping is there’s a group hunt feature where if you and I both go out into the field, you go on a property that I own, you’ve never been there before, I don’t have to go through the whole process of, “This is one stand, this is the next trail.” All I have to do is send you a friend request, as long as you have the app you accept, I invite you to a hunt, now we’re both live on our phones on a group hunt. You see every parcel selection that I’ve selected, every waypoint that I’ve put down, and my location, my live location. And I see your live location, as well. So in theory I’m sharing all my data with you, who could have just walked off…never been on my property before and have full access to everything.