Deer Hunting with Be a Lion Outdoors – CJ James – I’m with Christopher James, also known, a.k.a., as CJ. And he’s a writer and author, DIY hunter, an extreme wilderness fanatic, a fitness person, and he’s an overcomer. He’s faced adversity in his life, and he’s living proof no matter what happens, how bad it seems at the time, you can overcome it and move forward. CJ’s from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and he fishes at the Bow River which, if you’ve never been on the Bow, you should fish the Bow.

It’s a wonderful, wonderful water body. I mean, our rainbows and brown trouts are Blue Ribbon level. The growth rates are huge. We’ll have a four or five-year-old trout that’s measuring, like, 21 inches. And there’s thousands of them in any stretch of the Bow. If you get a chance to go into my neck of the woods, let me know and I’ll be happy to take you out. It’s just a wonderful, wonderful water body. I’m very lucky to have grown up on it.

Yeah. It’s all that and more. And, CJ, Be A Lion Outdoors,
let’s just…we were just on Facebook Live, folks, and you can go there, you know, it’s May 30th, and so it’s sitting out there in Facebook Live. But we talked about Be A Lion Outdoors. What does that really mean? Let’s start off the show and unpack that a little bit.