we’re going to go to South Africa. “South Africa?” Yeah, with David Freeburn of Dave Freeburn Safaris. And we’re going to join Melanie Peterson, http://bit.ly/2O6Sv8z in a park in Pinedale, Wyoming. And we’re headed down to Oregon, or over to Oregon since I’m in Colorado, with Marc LeQuieu, https://www.axialprecision.com/. And we have a unique story to share because Melanie is going to first share about winning the Extreme Huntress contest for 2018, and then it’s going to lead to a conversation she had with Dave Freeburn of Dave Freeburn Safaris, https://www.davefreeburn.com/ . And then they had ended up in Cape Town, or Joberg, I don’t know where she flew into. Anyway, and then hunted South Africa for Cape buffalo with an air rifle.