The beginning of Prophet Muskwa Outfitters then let’s talk about your mom and dad and go back into history, you know, lay out the history. Because I think that…I don’t “think,” I think that’s really, really important, you know, for people to understand. They’re going, “Well, you know, this outfit has been there a long time,” and those type of things. And that gives people confidence. You know, it’s not an infomercial for you, it’s more of an info base. Just like people say, “What’s it take”… I live in Colorado. They say, “What’s it take to hunt elk?” I said, you know, “You got to be mentally tough.” I tell them all the time. Because I’ve seen guys that are, you know, just physically animals, but are five days in the hunt, they haven’t seen anything, they haven’t seen any fresh sign, and they go, “Where are the elk?” I said, “They’re right here, you just have to”… it’s some place you ought to check out. Nathan and his family have owned that concession up there for, I believe, over 30 years and it’s a place that if you want to get wild, if you want to get wilderness, if you want to get dropped off and get picked up, it’s some place you ought to check out. let’s give a little backstory on the whole outfit up there and tell people, you know, about your mom and dad and how they got the concessions. And the stories I love is how you cut in those, you know, not the base camps, but your spike camps. And it’s just amazing what you guys have to do, you know, to do that. People don’t understand how much work it takes, you know, to manage the size of the land, the concessions, that you have. Nathan: You bet. Yeah, I’m originally from the States, my dad was born in Iowa, and my mom was born in California. My dad was always a huge hunter. He got into life insurance and estate planning back in the ’70s and ’80s, and from there he, you know, made some money and would go hunting and ended up in British Columbia for a moose and he thought to himself, “You know, I could do this.” And so from there we bought our first concession in Yukon back in 1984. And from then on it was my dad was, you know, full-time outfitter and full-time life insurance and estate planning all the way through. And we had areas, you know, throughout the U.S., as well, in Idaho and Montana and it just ended up not being what my dad thought was his idea of his business plan. So he did a lot of research and figured out exactly what he wanted and what areas that he thought were going to be the best. And that’s when we found the Prophet, and that was in 1991 he found that. And made the purchase in ’92, and ’92 was our first year of operating. And from then on for my brother, Sean and I that was home for us and where we learned how to… You know, started of wrangling when I was 10 years old and my brother was 13 and we would take, you know, 15 horses and go 7, 8, 10 hours from one camp to the next and spend the night and bring a couple horses back or go out with the guys and learn how to, you know, sheep hunt and moose hunt and call elk and pack horses, do everything. I mean we had kind of diversified and went to the Yukon once more and got a white sheep area that my dad’s ultimate goal was to have an outfit that you can do the grand slam all within one company, all with one person, you can come book your hunts, make your plans, and do it all within one place. And I guess about four years ago we finally got that, we have our two areas in B.C.,