On this episode we switch it up and Jon and Tyler take over the hosting roles to talk about Gavin’s Kentucky public land buck he shot 4 days into his rutcation. This was Gavin’s first year hunting public land plus he was doing it out of state in Kentucky. He started scouting this swamp land marsh that is also river bottom and it makes for some unique whitetails. The first mature buck he got on camera was a beautiful 8 point he named “Seabiscuit” after hunting hard opening week and jumping this buck out of his bed on day 4 of our first hunting trip back in September, little did Gavin know he would come 30 yards eye to eye with this exact same buck over a month later in early November!! Gavin and Dylan’s week hunting public land in northern kentucky was better than we could have even imagined, seeing a different mature buck every single day we were there!! Thanks for listening to this episode and we hope you enjoy it and as always we truly appreciate all the support and love hearing from y’all and seeing the deer you killed this year!! Lots of season left so get out there and get after them because you can’t kill ‘em on the couch and the Bloodline Runs Deep!!