This week I had Gideon Joubert from Paratus on the show we added Whisky to the mix and ended up having fun yet profound conversation covering many topics this is a two-part show with the latter kicking off with a bit more silliness following on the same trend. 

PS I spoke over Gideon a few times blame it on the Whiskey...When I was editing I realised this after the fact and I really wanted to know what he wanted to say as well...

Post-COVID Crime Rates
Economic Fallout
Government the biggest culprit to economic recovery
BAD labour laws amplify the recovery rate
Government on POWERTRIP
Did democracy fail us or did we fail Democracy?
Kanthan Pillay
National Socialism
Fascism vs Communism
Cancel Culture
HRC Kangaroo Court and Double Standards
Cyclical Culture vs Counter Culture
Woke Corporates

More about Paratus

Paratus is a platform where you can read about the latest developments at the sharp-edge of the South African gun ownership debate. We believe that all people have the right to defend themselves and their loved ones and that the most effective way to do so is through the responsible use of firearms. Firearm ownership is seen as a privilege by some, and as an inalienable right by many others. We fall into the latter category.

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Whiskey Friday #11 1:16:20
Jerm Warfare

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