Every now and then we come across people who just have that presence that makes you want to sit down and listen, you can feel the flow of realness that they represent. One of such people is today's guest, Deuce Griggs.

Meet one of my favorite personalities in Japan, Social Media & Tourism Guru Deuce Griggs. This man was the first Black person that I saw online talking about living in Japan, he opened my eyes to a world that existed and since then I began to notice other Black people in that part of the world that would lead to a previous guest on the pod.

This was a fun conversation with Deuce.

Follow Deuce for more inspiration via the following links (I recommend his TedTalk):




#Osaka #Chi-Town #EndSars #BlackLivesMatter #DeuceGriggs #WhiteLabelAmerican #Podcasts #NHK

Music: Infrared_Krypto