I'm sorry for not releasing an episode last week. Remember Ep 169? It was related to that. I'm excited to release my first solo episode with Grace Nkem (who appeared in Ep 166 & 167). Grace discusses important topics such as her concerns about the impact of AI technology on society and culture, as well as the commercialization of art. We also talk about her passion for pre-Christian, pre-colonial Igbo sculpture and its influence on early abstract painting, and her experiences with art and sculpture collection. Additionally, we delve into the controversial world of modern commercial art, the role of billionaires in the art scene, and share some entertaining personal stories and lighthearted banter. Grace offers a unique perspective that you won't want to miss.


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📚 Timestamped Overview:

00:00 Empowering immigrant stories in White Label Podcast.

07:59 Found a costly mine, but bought souvenir.

12:11 Reflection on sit-ins and experience of segregation.

19:59 Three comic book artists discussing their work.

23:13 Black square painting displayed as holy object.

28:49 Art market perfect for money laundering, taxation.

33:17 Fascinated by pre-Christian Igbo sculpture influence.

41:17 Struggles to keep up with streaming series.

46:00 Switched from Netflix to HBO Max.

49:25 Struggling to find humor in deep conversations.

56:59 Limited balance, not a digital artist. References digital world in painting.

01:00:57 Poor get AI entertainment, food; rich maintain luxury.

01:05:01 Next episode, follow, review, website, app, gratitude.