WHI Classics • What kind of sermon would Jesus preach if he was invited to address your local congregation? As strange as it may seem, we actually have an example of this kind of thing recorded for us in Luke chapter 4. Speaking in a Jewish synagogue, Jesus opens the scroll of the prophet Isaiah and begins to proclaim himself as the fulfillment of this ancient prophecy. On this edition of the program the hosts walk through this amazing passage, along with the complete text from Isaiah underlying it, and discuss the implications it offers for our understanding of preaching today (originally aired 06-19-11).


Right now at White Horse Inn, as a way of saying thank you for a gift of any amount, we will send you a brand new collection that we have put together on the Cross and Resurrection as seen through the lens of the prophet, Isaiah. It features thirteen extended-length episodes along with a number of articles from Modern Reformation that will help you reflect on Christ’s person and work through a study of Isaiah’s Messianic prophesies. To receive the collection, head over to whitehorseinn.org/isaiah.