This episode was either going to be about holidays or funerals.

We're not shying away from difficult topics on this season of the podcast.

We want to talk about what is front and centre - things that bring joy but also things that cause us pain, even if only temporarily, and how we deal with them.

So with the recent loss of Emma's cat Edna, who turned up this week in a 'shake n vac' style tube (beautiful), and Sheryl's funeral-arranging skills being tested yet again with a family funeral to attend the next day, it seemed befitting to talk about loss and endings.

If you're going through a loss of any kind - change in job, loss of your sense of identity, the ending of a relationship - you might find you identify with some of today's conversations and find it a source of comfort.

Please do reach out if we can help you in any way, although we can't promise we'll organise a funer for you.

The books we mention in today's podcast are:
The Book About Getting Older by Dr Lucy Pollock
Ancestors by Alice Roberts