We're good bakers, but no matter how good you are at baking there are times when the dang thing just doesn't do what it's supposed to. We're starting this episode with a very raw sharing session about some of our personal baking disasters, but then we get to make fun of old-timey people and the way they approached food, featuring bird crimes, pudding crimes, and poisoning people with sawdust crimes. We also made a Bakewell Tart to prove that even though we completely failed at that the first time we tried, we are capable of redemption. Just like Mad Max. 

Live birds in pie: http://www.thousandeggs.com/gretepye.html

Pudding throwing: https://www.atlasobscura.com/foods/world-black-pudding-throwing-championship

Yorkshire puddings down the toilet: https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/yorkshire-pudding-sewer-blockage