WHO: Erin (@FoodScienceBabe)

WHO IS THAT: Erin is a food scientist who has a BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Minnesota. She's worked in the food industry for over a decade, both in the conventional and organic sectors. Erin combats misleading food claims online with her hashtag #factsnotfear to share the truth about agriculture, food marketing, and more.

TITLE: Organic food myths, WTF are GMOs + should we care? Health halos, marketing terms to look out for, and the dangers of misinformation...


-What does "organic" mean?

-More nutritious?

-Better for the environment?

-What are GMOs?

-Should we be worried about them? How might they actually be helpful?

-What are Health Halos and how are they misleading and other marketing terms and how annoying they can be once you know better?


Where to find Erin:

Instagram: @FoodScienceBabe

Facebook: @FoodScienceBabe

TikTok: @FoodScienceBabe

Patreon: FoodScienceBabe


Where to find me:

Instagram: @JordanLipsFitness

Youtube: Jordan Lips Fitness

Email: [email protected]

Podcast: Where Optimal Meets Practical

TikTok: @JordanLipsFitness

Website: JordanLipsFitness.com


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