This time of year, more than any other, is about sharing love, goodness, and generosity. About cherishing peace, kindness, and togetherness. About creating memories. These are the best gifts one can give and receive. Let’s make a point of remembering this. Let’s fill our days spreading love and cheer and sharing kindness and peace. Today, Jen and Tasha share ideas to focus on keeping the true spirit of the holidays alive in each of us.

Today’s Mantra/Affirmation: “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

Additional Resources:

Holiday Cheer Week #1: Spread Love & Generosity

Holiday Cheer Week #2: Spread Peace & Kindness

Holiday Cheer Week #3: Unity & Togetherness

Holiday Cheer Week #4: Rest & Relaxation

Free tools, including mantras/affirmations, meditations, tapping sessions, tip sheets, and more:

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