No matter what has happened to you or what you have gone through, you have the ability to change that. You don’t have to remain that person who has been suffering. Annette is a Purpose Embodiment Coach, Intuitive Facilitator of Healing, Channel for Multi-dimensional Beings, Host of Sacred Dance Podcast, Published Author & Bhakti Yogi. Her work supports women to step into their soul's purpose, reclaim their inner goddess & manifest their deepest desires. She wants to see the planet as a place that supports everyone feeling wildly expressed in their soul's purpose, reminded of their limitless potential & able to fully feel their humanness. Listen in as we discuss being your own best lover, reclaiming your virginity, and getting started on your healing journey.

No matter what has happened to you or what you have gone through, you have the ability to change that. You don’t have to remain that person who has been suffering.

Annette is a Purpose Embodiment Coach, Intuitive Facilitator of Healing, Channel for Multi-dimensional Beings, Host of Sacred Dance Podcast, Published Author & Bhakti Yogi. Her work supports women to step into their soul’s purpose, reclaim their inner goddess & manifest their deepest desires. She wants to see the planet as a place that supports everyone feeling wildly expressed in their soul’s purpose, reminded of their limitless potential & able to fully feel their humanness.

Listen in as we discuss being your own best lover, reclaiming your virginity, and getting started on your healing journey.

What you’ll learn from this episode:

That even if your mind forgets, your body always remembers (7:26)
The importance of creating a dialogue about sex with your partner (16:00)
One of the major steps of your healing journey (18:32)
How you hold trauma in your body (26:40)
Connecting to your feminine energy (28:30)


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