Harry Cunane shares his journey from the darkness of addiction - drinking recreationally with friends to blowing cocaine in the bathroom of his high school to scoring opiates in northern Philadelphia stealing money for his drugs and foregoing food - to his incredible yet super normal life today. We talk about why it’s so hard to ask for help, how fighting for our lives is the greatest gift we give ourselves, and how being enough and having enough is more than enough for him.


Harry is an author and an active member of the addiction recovery community since his recovery began more than seven years ago, participating in a twelve-step program and volunteering at rehabs and jails around Philadelphia to spread a message of hope. He now works as a resource director for the same treatment center where he originally sought help for his own addiction. 


You can find out more and by following Harry on Instagram and on Facebook, and by checking out his most recent book Under Our Roof: a son's battle for recovery, a mother's battle for her son. 

I’m also obsessed with knowing all about you, so please follow (and DM!)  me on Instagram, Facebook and my website. We’re in this together and the journey is going to be so awesome.

Produced by Dear Media