Marshall Malone returns on the podcast to reflect on his ongoing road to recovery, which began once he set the goal to totally break up with sugar by his 40th birthday.

Listen in as Marshall shares the habits, rituals, and affirmations that have allowed him to shed 45 pounds and counting ever since he started his journey. Always keeping in mind that beliefs are nothing more than thoughts repeated, Marshall unpacks the mental and emotional hurdles that he had to overcome on his path to cultivating a healthier relationship with food—even after crossing the 66th day mark.

Molly dispels the myth that “thoughts become things”, proposing instead that “beliefs become things”. Making this paradigm shift helps us to become more gentle with ourselves as we realize that negativity is totally normal, and that there is no such thing as perfection on this journey. Once we decide to break up with sugar, the greatest thing we can do to ensure lasting success is to simply stay consistent.

Episode Quotes

“What was more important than losing 45 pounds was shedding the negative self-esteem that I had.” - Marshall “If you keep falling off your wagon, you need a bigger wagon.” -Molly “Weight release is an outcome, not a measure.” -Molly “The thing that changes people is self-determination.” -Molly

Key Highlights

Bridging the gap between knowing you can achieve your goals, to believing it Being intentional about which beliefs you decide to change Why it’s normal to have negative feelings at any stage of your journey Keeping your nutrition on-point in busy or stressful times Realizing that you’re on this journey for yourself, not for anyone else

About Marshall Malone

Marshall Malone is a multi-platform content producer with over 15 years of experience in both retail marketing and digital marketing. He has worked with some of the largest companies in the world and has experience working on multiple CMS platforms including WordPress and Joomla. In 2019, Marshall changed his career path and started working in the TV news/broadcast industry as a digital marketing specialist. In 2020, he transitioned into a creative role as Senior Producer.


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