On this episode of What You're Craving, Molly is joined by addiction specialist Clarissa Kennedy and her Food Junkies podcast co-host Molly Painschab. Clarissa shares her personal experience with food and alcohol addiction, discussing how changing her eating habits helped her overcome her alcohol addiction. Molly Painschab also shares her experience working in the field and her own journey of addressing her food addiction.

This conversation delves into important aspects of food addiction, including how it presents itself, the benefits of a low-exposure food plan, and the underlying causes. The episode also explores the role of mindfulness and sleep in managing food addiction, emphasizing the importance of seeking support in the recovery process. Furthermore, they will discuss how most food addiction recovery requires a foundation free of diet culture thinking and rooted in self-compassion.

Episode Quotes:

“The world is really missing out on a lot of us who are so deeply embedded in healthy eating as an eating disorder.” “So much of what we do with food addiction is undoing diet culture.”

Clarissa and Molly recently launched Sweet Sobriety, an interactive, one-of-a-kind online coaching,
community, and connection for those seeking an improved relationship with self, food, and

Connect with Molly:

Gift yourself valentine's day with ME at my Love Yourself Fireside chat - https://mollycarmel.com/love-yourself/

Come join me March 30th and April 1 at the ownyourworthexperience.com - it's going to be INCREDIBLE!

There are also LOTS of other offerings - Fireside chats, intenSati classes all on https://mollycarmel.com

You can also purchase the Breaking Up with Sugar course here: mollycarmel.com/buws

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Become a part of the Breaking Up with Sugar FB Group: facebook.com/groups/buwsbook

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IG (I love a DM!): @mollycarmel

YouTube: Molly Carmel

Tiktok: @realmollycarmel

Facebook: facebook.com/mollycarmel.buws