In this episode we deal with the heavy topic of grief exploring the different stages, what they look like, and how grief can be a holy process that should give us hope.

Mentioned In This Episode:

I Thessalonians 4:13-15

Philippians 3:14

Psalms 56:3

John 11:35


“People won’t remember what you said, and they won’t remember what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

“The destination of any trip sets the tone of travel. I am not on the way to a funeral like many of those who surround me. I am in CHRIST and on my way to a wedding of such glorious proportions that I’ll have to change my clothes from mortal to immortal just to survive the thrill.” Gracie Hager


What We Love

Elaina - Jesus and John Wayne Episode 1

Jesus and John Wayne the Book by Kristen Kobez Du Mez

Holly - Creating A Stir in the Bluegrass and Beyond Cookbook



IG: @Hollybird72

Facebook: @HollyJohnsonProsser



Instagram: @barronelaina

Facebook: @ElainaBarron