Episode 81: The NES

Hey Listener, we’re officially kicking off a new series on the show. Periodically I’ll be sitting down with other gamers to discuss one of their favorite video systems and the games they loved to play on it. We’re kicking things off with my retro gaming buddy Ben Frietsch and we’re going on a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) deep dive. So blow into a cartridge and let’s get this show started. Topics this week include: Your host isn’t good at starting the show because his ass is bleeding. The Christmas that changed your host’s life. The history of the original NES roll out to the US market. Nintendo peripherals of yore. The greatest A Side/B Side video game ever. The original Super Mario Bros trilogy. Spending a Summer swimming and mapping the Legend of Zelda. We respect, but don’t love Mega Man. Trying to beat Metroid as an 8 year old is like playing an open world game without a map. Contra: you can’t wear a shirt when you’re fighting aliens. Thank you stoners for Master Blaster. Sawing a ninja in half. What a terrible night to have a curse. RPGs on the NES. The brutal difficulty of TMNT. The Goonies II just doesn’t make any sense. Scrooge McDuck: Capitalist Colonizer. Good luck landing your plane in Top Gun. Ramming JAWS with a boat. Hey, if you had a boat, what would you get? Rygar and Karnov. Do you think Mike Tyson’s Punch Out will get retroactively canceled? It wasn’t fair to play as Bo Jackson in Tecmo Bowl. What if they made a simulation RC Pro Am? Arcade game version of sports are the best sports games. A side rant about Andre the Giant backing down to Bad News Brown/Allen. Going right and beating people up. Are you bad enough to save the president?Everyone should play River City Randsom. 


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