Julia Meder is a life and leadership coach, and an ex-expat partner. With her family Julia lived in the United States for four years and experienced all the ups and downs of expat (partner) life. On today's episode Julia recommends a variety of videos, books, and podcasts for (future) expat partners. If you would like to have a happy, successful and fulfilling expat time, this episode is for you. And if you will never ever go abroad, you can still use Julia's recommendations to really get to know yourself better and to create the life you want.

Recommendations for (future) expat partners
What to Watch

Brené Brown's Netflix special as mentioned on episode 1

Ted Talks

Amy Cuddy "Your body language may shape who you are"

Julian Treasure "How to speak so people want to listen"

Robert Waldinger "What makes a good life"

Marie Forleo:

Marie TV Feeling Lost

How to find your special gift, even if you don’t think you have one

First Kiss

What to Read

Burnout by Emily Nagoski

How to get the love you want by Harville Hendrix

Money, a love story by Kate Northrup

Humans of New York

What to Listen

Mel Robbins on Audible

Work it out

Take control of your life

Joanna Penn

Books & Travel Podcast

If you like to write and self-publish, her other podcast is great as well.

Brooke Castillo

The Life Coach School

Share your own recommendations

Please use my recommendations as starting points for your own list of favorite shows, podcasts, books and more. If you want to share your discoveries and takeaways from this episode on social media, please tag me personally or use the hashtag #wtwrl. I’m mostly on Instagram and on LinkedIn these days.

WTWRL is a podcast for curious people (like me) who are always looking for inspiration, forward thinking ideas, and current trends. Each episode has a specific topic and gives you tons of starting points for your own journey into the English-speaking world.

A side note: All opinions are my own. This post is not sponsored, neither is this episode of the WTWRL podcast.