Rob Whalen is the Co-Founder and CEO of PTO, Inc. where he started the company with Todd Lucas from his house in Woodinville. He is a serial entrepreneur with a BA in accounting from Seattle University and has over 30 years selling and developing software and hardware products. PTO Exchange was launched at HR Tech Conference in 2017, garnering press from Bloomberg, The Washington Post, Condé Nast Traveler, and an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business. 

He has become a thought leader around paid time off and leave, having spoken to the JCT (joint committee for taxation in congress in 2015) with regards to laws prohibiting the middle class, HR Tech and the future of work, and World at work symposium around the gig-economy. His vision for the company is to address the workers of tomorrow with flexible, portable benefits.



Rob Whalen: CEO & Co-Founder @ PTO Exchange


Mike Thul -

Jessie Novey -


Chris Mueller - 

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