We're back after a little hiatus. So much has been going on, it's been hard to keep up!

In this solo session, Grasshopper discusses some concerns around the mandating of masks and asks questions about these policies. She also offers a unique perspective, tying it back to "Where is the left?".

Referenced in this discussion is the Ontario Nurses Association win against the hospitals who tried to make masks mandatory if they did not get the flu vaccine.

See the story here: https://www.ona.org/news-posts/ona-wins-vaccinate-or-mask-flu-policy/

See the copy of the full decision here:https://www.ona.org/wp-content/uploads/ona_kaplanarbitrationdecision_vaccinateormask_stmichaelsoha_20180906.pdf

Not discussed, but worth looking at is the world-renowned Hospital for Sick Kids' back-to-school recommendations. Of note in this document:

1. This is a REVISED edition. The initial recommendations stated masks should NOT be introduced into schools.

2. Despite the addition of masks to the recommendations (we will discuss this in a future episode), the report still admits that there was "no consensus" among the 36 contributing doctors to this report regarding masks.

3. The report also explicitly states that there is "absence of evidence" on the efficacy of masks.

4. The report further states that the majority of doctors DISAGREE with mandatory masking for students.

5. Several times throughout the document, it is evident that the doctors do not have solid evidence and appear to have been forced to add masks to their report.

See it here: http://www.sickkids.ca/PDFs/About-SickKids/81497-COVID19-Recommendations-for-School-Reopening-SickKids-JUNE.pdf


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