Gaia talks with local advocate for human rights, Chris Sky. Chris has turned into somewhat of a celebrity in the Toronto area for speaking out against the government's lockdown measures, impeding on human rights, and most recently, mandating of masks.

Chris has been interviewed by Rebel News Media, The Evan Show, Vice, DDP Vradio, The Ezra Levant Show, Dr. Tenpenny, CBC, Peggy Hall, The Freemelon Society, and MORE! He has been referred to in the MSM in Ontario, including CTV and CHCH news.

In this episode, Gaia and Chris take us to the beginning of the lockdown and why they both became concerned with the measures. They go on to discuss the mandating of masks; Chris sets the record straight on the fake news' report about the Cherry Beach incident; his not-for-profit initiative MAD; and his newest, most important project POD Schooling (Private On Demand Schooling).

Find Chris and his wife, Jenny, active on social media:

Instagram: Chris and Jenny Sky

BackToWork (supporting businesses)

MAD (Mother's Against Distancing)
Facebook: MAD
POD Schooling (Private On Demand Schooling)
Chris is looking for teachers, spaces to provide classes, and students

Email: [email protected]

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