To be a learning coach, a teacher-leader, an educator coach and an expert on kids with special needs, some on the autistic spectrum, you have to be a deeply empathetic person…right down to your core. Danielle Mizuta has empathy in spades. Empathy is in her DNA. I have known this for a long, long time. … Continue reading "47. She’s Been Published!, with Danielle Mizuta"

The post 47. She’s Been Published!, with Danielle Mizuta appeared first on @WSCBPodcast.

To be a learning coach, a teacher-leader, an educator coach and an expert on kids with special needs, some on the autistic spectrum, you have to be a deeply empathetic person…right down to your core. Danielle Mizuta has empathy in spades. Empathy is in her DNA. I have known this for a long, long time. She and I got our graduate degrees about the same time, in the late 90s. Over the years she has been a tremendous supporter of my @MLTSinHawaii “movement,” at film screenings, event design sessions and professional development workshops. So it is with great pleasure that I present newly minted author, Danielle in a wide ranging conversation about teaching and learning. Editing provided by DG Sound Creations. 

The post 47. She’s Been Published!, with Danielle Mizuta appeared first on @WSCBPodcast.