I taught Amber Strong her Advanced Placed United States History 25 years ago. Recently, we came onto each other’s radar again and began working on some projects related to educator professional development. As we do this work, I continue to reflect how many kids’ lives have been impact by Amber’s work over the past two … Continue reading "21. A Progressive’s Progressive, Amber Makaiau"

The post 21. A Progressive’s Progressive, Amber Makaiau appeared first on @WSCBPodcast.

 I taught Amber Strong her Advanced Placed United States History 25 years ago. Recently, we came onto each other’s radar again and began working on some projects related to educator professional development. As we do this work, I continue to reflect how many kids’ lives have been impact by Amber’s work over the past two decades. The number has to be enormous, and is beyond staggering. Amber is now the Director of Hanahau’oli School’s Professional Development Center, which is offering intimate and targeted PD around teaching social justice, climate change, art, equity and much, much more. She remains on the faculty at the Univ. of Hawaiʻi at Manoa’s COE. This episode was edited by your host, Josh Reppun.

The post 21. A Progressive’s Progressive, Amber Makaiau appeared first on @WSCBPodcast.