Previous Episode: 31. ByErim Kaur to the World
Next Episode: 33. LowKiy Music

Nabeeda Bakali returns to the show to discuss all things social media. Nabeeda and Eric talk about the positives and negatives of social media, the opportunities it has created alongside the consequences it has generated. They discuss the unrealistic expectations, fake goals, toxic hustle culture and more. Nabeeda and Eric also shed light into the content creator space and highlight how much creativity levels have increased creating a whole new era. They end the episode with a game called "Our Favourite Social Media People" in which they mention authentic, real, inspiring and incredible people such as: Nabela, Vex King, Kaushal, Tanvi, Erim Kaur, Fash, Smash Bengali Hashu, Anchal, Serena World Wide, Humble The Poet and Steven Bartlett.