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Next Episode: Concert At Yoshi’s

I went out for a wheelchair dining experience and it was a comedy/tragedy of errors

Welcome to “Wheelchair Dining Experience” on the What’s The Matter With Me? Podcast

In this episode, I rolled out to eat with my wife for a wheelchair dining experience  and it was a comedy/tragedy of errors. It was supposed to be a fine dining restaurant but the experience fell short in a lot of ways. I'm so starved to get out that it didn't stop me from having a good time, but I don't think I will be back.

Mention from the MS Foundation

The multiple sclerosis foundation tweeted about what's the matter with me Podcast- they are a loud voice in the community, and I feel very seen.


 Not Quite Twice My Age: Dad is celebrating his 75th birthday cruising the Bahamas

Swing By: Chris Parachini is in Puerto Rico but he'll make it to CA someday.

Tag > Slap

World Chase Tag is vastly superior to Power Slap "fighting"

Date Looms Large

Does the date of MS diagnosis loom large? For me, the answer is probably a no, even though I haven't forgotten it. I just haven't given it much weight.

Unprecedented and Unique Dinner

Dinner experience in my wheelchair, it was a singular experience

When companies/products/marketers have come to me asking to advertise on WTMWM? I have refused.

Big Question I'm Always Asking

How can fatigue and achievement coexist?


Friday fish from Scends: snapper, shrimp, fries, mac n cheese, coleslaw, corn bread hot sauce. The kids liked it.

Sam Kinison Auto Parts Jingle

I made the Sam Kinison auto parts jingle

Bad Old Ideas

NYTimes: College professor suggest eugenics to deal with the problem of an aging society

Pizza Problem

Bluebird Pizzeria in San Leandro is the only bona fide pizza in town, but they're closed on Monday And they Sell out on Friday and Saturday nights, so you can't even get a take away order placed at 7 o'clock. Its a little place& lotsTogo- no delivery. Guess I'm just ranting about there Isn't enough pizza in mytown

Just Chili-ing

Im making vegetarian bean chili

This Week's Selfie

Chin Music

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