Previous Episode: First Wheelchair Ride
Next Episode: Format Change

I went to Costco on the Saturday before Thanksgiving. On accident, of course I didn't think about it.

I went to the Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University.

I had to position myself to avoid the glare. The Rodin, they had "The Thinker". So, I went into the gallery and saw that and I had to kind of position myself all around it. And because you have to spend so much, because I had to spend so much time positioning myself, I couldn't do this kind of casual looking. It really changed the way I looked at stuff. I had to look kind of more actively. It was interesting. Anyway, it was just a really cool experience having been to so many art shows in my life. It was totally new way of doing it, but I enjoyed it. I did it. I'm going to do it again, I think that's cool and so cool stuff with the wheelchair, positive things.

I appeared on another MS Podcast, the YEG MS Podcast. Read on..

Begin Transcript

Welcome to the "What's the Matter With Me?" Podcast.

My name is John, I'm 39 years old: husband, father of two, small business owner, radio DJ, podcaster, and I have multiple sclerosis, so I made this podcast to share what I'm going through.

"What's the Matter With Me?" is an MS podcast, and it's also about other things. I'm not a medical professional and you should not take this for medical advice. If you need medical advice, ask your health care provider.

I record this podcast to let people know that when difficult things happen you don't have to quit or give up, you can just keep going.

YEG MS Podcast

I went on my wheelchair to two different places, one was crazy and the other was kind of beautiful. But first, I did an interview on a multiple sclerosis podcast from Canada called YEG MS Podcast, which is created by this guy Sean Wingrave. And he's kind of like me, he's husband and father, about my age and he's out of Edmonton, Canada, in the state of Alberta.

Sean has MS and he organizes running events called "The Really Long Run to End MS", which is kind of an interesting thing. I can't run, but I'm interested! I reached out to him to try and make a connection with another MS patient. He's a podcaster, he's a father, he's my age, have a lot in common, I thought, maybe. I wanted to see if I could talk with another podcast to see what we sound like. It sounds loud out here right now. But just like I said, I'm just going to keep rolling.

SI have a lot in common with him. I wanted to see how my message sounded when I crossed it with another person's podcast, or with their own message. We had a pretty long conversation. I think it was about an hour. Actually, we had two conversations because the first one there was some audio lost and so we made it up on the second one. it was good, I had, it was almost an hour conversation with the guy. We covered a lot of stuff. I'm going to play an excerpt, I'm going to try and download some of it. I'll definitely put a link to it on my website. Here's the excerpt:

Sean Wingrave: Welcome to the YEG podcast, episode number 52 Today I have the pleasure of chatting with John Hoppan and John is a podcaster. He's a radio DJ, he's an entrepreneur, he's a father, he's a husband, he's an MS warrior. He's an all-around great guy and his podcast has had a profound impact on me. At the start of these things, I always like to give the listeners more of a sense of who we're talking to and kind of how your MS journey started, but you're involved in so many different things. So, where do you think we should start?

John Hoppin: Oh gosh, that's hard. I mean, you have to edit things out right? (tape edit sounds) ..Like I often say at the beginning of my podcast, I say, "What's The Matter With Me?" is a MS podcast. But, it's also about other things because I live a full life. I have a family, I have a wife, I have two children. I run my own business and I'm on the radio and I make the podcast. I put a lot of energy out there in the world bec...