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Welcome to the What's The Matter With Me? Podcast, Season 3, Episode 6: Social Isolation

In which: I deal with social isolation, get interrupted by a real estate broker, I'm uninspiring, and I come out against disability porn. I realize I need a scooter again, and the National MS Society support will help.

My name is John, I'm 39 years old, husband, and father of two, small-business owner, radio DJ, podcaster, and I have multiple sclerosis. So I made the What's The Matter With Me? Podcast to share what I'm going through.

What's The Matter With Me? is an MS podcast, and it's also about other things. Past episodes can be downloaded on Apple Podcasts or from, or wherever you get it. I'm not a medical professional. Don't take this for medical advice. If you need medical advice, ask your healthcare provider.

Interrupted by a phonecall

You're listening to the What's The Matter With Me? Podcast, Season 3, Episode 6: Social Isolation. I have been feeling kind of isolated today, so I'm going to hit the mic but first, shout outs to Pamela, Nat, and Rocky.

(phone ringing)

Oh man, somebody's calling me on the phone. I'm pretty stoked about that, because like I said, I'm feeling isolated. I'll be right back. ---

Man, I don't know whether to feel more or less isolated. Someone called me, yes, but it was a real estate agent from across the country, from the other side of the country. This is a thing that's been happening to me, and I'm glad to tell this story here, because it gives me something to focus on rather than my own isolation. People call me, okay, real estate agents from across the country, fools, they're all fools, because I don't own any real estate on the other side of the country, but somehow they got it on some listing, they got my name and phone number somehow, and they're like, "We're calling you about the property." I've already looked it up, it's been going on for months.

So, periodically someone from across the country, from this city will call me and be like, "Are you still selling the property at wherever?" And I'm like, "No, it's not my property. I'm not selling it, and can you take me off the list please?" And they're like, "Well, sorry, I can't. Your name's just on there."

So anyway, I've been getting calls about this hot property condo apartment unit or something, I have nothing to do with it. So should I feel more or less isolated? I don't really know, but I'm kind of thankful, I guess.

I feel more, I mean let's be real, you should feel more isolated if the only people who call you are real estate brokers, and just to clarify, I don't own any property over on the other side of the country, but also, I don't own any property on this side of the country. Just to be clear, there's no property. I mean, I have personal property, my clothes, right? And personal effects, I guess is really all I can claim.

So just to recapitulate, I am feeling social isolation, the people who call me are real estate brokers trying to sell property that I don't have.

Ableism, Disability Porn and the Right To Be Uninspiring

This kind of stems out of last episode. I said right off the top that I was going to exercise my right to be uninspiring, and some people thought that was funny, and just to give some context to that remark, it's really just a remark, right?

But disabled people are often a focus for other people's projection, and we're trotted out to be inspiring. "Isn't it inspiring that they attempt to do something?" I mean, the bar is insultingly low. "Isn't it inspiring that they look at us and smile? Oh, they smile just like us."

It's kind of like Us Weekly in a way, I guess. But the thing is, it's just like celebrities in Us Weekly are annoyed by the paparazzi, I'm annoyed by other people projecting their fantasy about how horrible it must be to be me, and that it's so inspiring that despite how horrible it is to be me, that I try,