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WTMWM 35 - S2, E5: Pain is bearable

Welcome to Whats The matter with me Season 2, Episode 5: Pain is bearable
My name is John I'm 39 years old husband father of two small business owner radio DJ podcaster and I have multiple sclerosis, so I made this podcast to share what I'm going through
What's the matter with me is an MS podcast and it's also about other things. I'm not a medical professional and you should not take this for medical advice.  However, if you need medical advice, ask your healthcare provider.
Download The what's the matter with Me podcast on Apple podcasts and

Shoutouts to rocky Nate and joe.
Last episode episode 4 I was in so much pain. It almost made me angry but I think it was making me crazy. I was just writhing in pain check it out it's an interesting listen.
Writhing in pain
My last episode was kind of terrible because I was just in pain so much but this episode I can report that my pain level has downgraded from extreme pain to intense pain and maybe even bearable. Definitely bearable I'm going to put it in the bearable category and no one can stop me because it's my podcast. It's bearable
Crunked Out, or Up
I'm in the process of changing my trigeminal neuralgia medication. In order to do that I am currently taking both my old medication and the new medication. Since they both have a sedative effect it's I'm very crunked out. Or crunked up I'm not sure how the direction works there
Coaches Jackets
Coaches jacket. I went to Oakland and pick them up this morning. It was very tiring because like I said I'm totally crunked up or possibly out. It was a lot of driving and I hope I don't have to drive a lot more today
LA Look
I'm trapped in a bubble in the hair gel, because I'm overmedicated.
Making music
Joe was in my high school band. It was called okra blues and it was mostly Modeled after the Jon Spencer Blues explosion and RL Burnside. It was punk rock blues.  He took his shirt off at the catholic school.
Nowadays We Jam Together
Nowadays We Jam together and I don't play a lot really anymore. I've listened a lot. My approaches different and it is more like meditation and exercising acceptance of the sounds I'm making.
Accessible keyboard
I'm using a ROLI Seaboard, an accessible keyboard with different ways of striking notes and making sound.  It's good to have an instrument to play.
Good to be alive
It's good to be alive. I'm grateful for my family and friends. Every day's a new opportunity.7 things are changing with my pain situation it is evolving in the new medication seems to be starting to work.